134 search results
UAE partnerships on sustainability accelerate ahead of COP28
The UAE’s messaging ahead of COP28 is that collaboration is key to sustainable success, as these just-inked private-public partnerships at ADSW prove

Public-private partnerships key to MENA's digital ecosystem
Digital transformations rely on robust and leading-edge digital ecosystems, developed best via public-private partnerships in the MENA region

Top 10 leading digital transformation providers in Saudi
These ten ICT services providers are leading the digital transformation of government entities and private-sector companies in Saudi Arabia

Corporate Finance
Top 10 most innovative telecom operators in the Middle East
With Dubai-based Telecoms World Middle East in full swing, we chart the most innovative telcos from the region – and look at how they are transforming

Corporate Finance
Top 10 largest revenue generating family businesses in MENAT
From the UAE to Turkey, these family firms are the largest by revenue in MENAT and cover everything from energy to entertainment